The Beren Writing Center provides a supportive environment for student writers.
Tutors work one-on-one with students of all skill levels at any stage in the writing process. Tutors and students take part in a collaborative learning effort. Tutors do not edit work or think for students; rather, tutors serve as active readers, asking questions, following up implications and reflecting their impressions of student writing. This allows students to strengthen their ideas for any writing project. Our goal is not just to help students complete a given assignment, but to develop thinking and writing skills that will help with every assignment.
Our sessions focus on global writing issues (developing ideas, formulating theses, using sources, clarifying structure), rather than focusing on editing and polishing punctuation, grammar, and spelling. This focus helps students develop a sense of ownership and pride in their writing. By helping students understand the writing and revision process, we help and encourage them to realize their full potential as writers and thinkers.